What Is A Point of Connection?

A Point of Connection (POC) is the most appropriate location on an existing network, that offers sufficient capacity to supply your project.

When considering a new site, an application must be made for the best point of connection.  At Connections2energy we work hard on your behalf to secure the most cost-effective point of connection available for your development.

Recently we have witnessed a significant increase in demand for the existing electricity infrastructure network, especially as the construction industry moves away from gas and fossil fuel heating systems.

We would advise our clients that if you have received a formal POC offer, you accept it before it expires to avoid losing that existing capacity, and the potential of attracting additional reinforcement costs for your supply requirements. It is important that loads are applied for in an accurate and timely manner, especially for larger major projects and EV charging.

For more information about new connections or if you need any support please get in touch with one of our experts.

Don’t hesitate to contact us whether it’s just for friendly advice, a no-obligation quotation or any other queries you may have

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    Upload any documents that will help us progress with your project here: Site location plans, site layout plans, meter positions, loadings and fixtures.